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Child Custody Holiday Visitation Schedules
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.

The holidays can be a stressful time for parents, particularly for parents who are separated and each want to spend time with their children. Holidays are an important and festive time in each child’s life when children form familial bonds and spend quality time with their family. When parents are separated and live in different households, deciding who gets to spend a holiday with their children can cause conflict and tension between the parents. Fortunately, parents can oftentimes reduce conflict by developing a “Parenting Plan” or other written agreement which establishes a plan for splitting time with their children. By having an agreement in place, parents can simply follow or defer to the terms of the agreement instead of having to negotiate time with the other parent each year. At…Read More

Child Custody – The “Best Interests Of The Child” Standard
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.

In Maryland, judges are frequently tasked with making child custody determinations. It’s often said to be one of the hardest jobs tasked to a judge because of how important their decision is to the parents and children involved. In rendering their decision, judges are guided by the standard of the “best interests of the child.” Each case presents different facts and circumstances which the court must consider in making a custody determination. However, there are certain factors which Maryland law provides that the court must consider in determining the best interests of the child. These factors were originally set forth in the case of Montgomery County v. Sanders and include the following: Fitness of the parents; Character and reputation of the parents; Desire of the natural parents and agreements between…Read More

What Is Alimony?
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.

In any given marriage, it may be the case that one spouse is the primary breadwinner or that one spouse is financially dependent on the other. If and when the parties divorce, it is common for a court to award alimony, otherwise known as “spousal support,” to one spouse. The idea behind alimony is that a lesser-earning or financially dependent spouse will have financial help during and after the divorce such that their standard of living does not drastically change as a result of the divorce. Alimony may be awarded both during the pendency of the divorce case and upon the granting of the divorce. While the case is pending, the court may award pendente lite alimony. “Pendente lite” is a latin term meaning “pending the litigation.” Pendente lite alimony…Read More

Robert Greenberg Selected As A Super Lawyers Rising Star For Fifth Consecutive Year
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.

Mr. Greenberg has been selected as a Super Lawyers Rising Star in Maryland for his work in the areas of civil litigation and family law. This marks the fourth consecutive year that Mr. Greenberg has been selected. According to Super Lawyers, only the top 2.5% of attorneys in Maryland are selected to the Rising Stars list.Read More

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