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Greenberg Legal Group LLC

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The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth – Why Being Honest With Your Family Law Attorney Is Important For Your Case
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: May 10, 2024

When somebody starts a divorce or custody case, there is often a significant level of conflict with the opposing party. Whether the opposing party is your spouse, the parent of your children, or both, there is usually a lot of history – both good and bad – which has brought you to the point of going to Court. Hiring an experienced family law attorney to help guide you through this process is extremely important. Equally important, however, is the ability to be honest with your attorney about the history of your case. When a client meets with their attorney for the first time, the client…Read More

Frequently Asked Questions – Marital Debt
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: April 26, 2024

When two parties are going through a divorce, the property between the parties needs to be equitably distributed between the two. However, it is not just assets that need to be taken into account. Marital Debt will be considered when a division of assets is occurring, which can have major impacts on how property is divided. Whether a debt is marital or not can sometimes be a confusing process, as the line between marital and non-marital debt is not always clear. While this process can be complex, there are a few basics that you should know before beginning. Here are some frequently asked questions that…Read More

Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement in Maryland
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: March 25, 2024

Prenuptial Agreements are becoming increasingly common between couples, both young and old, who plan to get married. In this article, we previously discussed the basics of Prenuptial Agreements – including what they are, what they can (and cannot) cover and the process of obtaining a Prenuptial Agreement. Prenuptial Agreements are a powerful tool to give you and your partner a secure, strong and stable foundation as you head into your marriage. Here are a few of the specific benefits of entering into a Prenuptial Agreement in Maryland: Protecting Your Assets. People enter into marriages at all different ages and phases of life. Sometimes, people enter…Read More

  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: February 19, 2024

The term “discovery” refers to the process of gathering information which is relevant to your case. Discovery is a very important tool that allows each party to obtain information from the other party about facts and issues which are relevant to the case. There are many different types of discovery which a party may use to learn about the strengths – and potential weaknesses – in their case. In this article, we answer a few questions that people frequently ask about the discovery process during their divorce case. What types of “discovery” can I use to help my case? There are many different types of…Read More

  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: February 6, 2024

After Peace Order or Protective Order proceedings occur in Maryland, it is important to consider whether you can have these proceedings shielded or expunged from public view. While this process can be complex, there are a few basics that you should know before beginning. Here are some frequently asked questions that the Greenberg Legal Group often receives about shielding Peace and Protective Order cases in Maryland: What does “Shielding” the records mean? When someone has their Court records shielded, this means that the records are removed from the public view. For the physical copies of the records, shielding means that the records are moved to…Read More

Custody Filing Process in Maryland Overview - Greenberg Legal Group LLC.
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: January 15, 2024

Before filing for custody in Maryland, it is important to understand the process of filing for custody and what it means to start a custody case. While contested custody cases can be complex, there are a few basics that you should know before starting the process. Here are some frequently asked questions that the Greenberg Legal Group often receives about filing for custody in Maryland: How Do I File For Custody In Maryland? You start the process of filing for custody in Maryland by filing a Complaint for Custody with the Circuit Court which has jurisdiction over your case. By filing a Complaint for Custody,…Read More

Filing for Divorce in Maryland - The Greenberg Legal Group
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: December 27, 2023

Before filing for divorce in Maryland, it is important to understand the process of filing for divorce and what effects that will have on your life. While the divorce process can be complex, there are a few basics that you should know before starting the process. Here are some frequently asked questions that the Greenberg Legal Group often receives about filing for divorce in Maryland: How Do I Start The Process Of Filing For Divorce? You start the process of filing for divorce in Maryland by filing a Complaint for Absolute Divorce with the Circuit Court which has jurisdiction over your case. By filing a Complaint for Absolute…Read More

Determining Property in Divorce - Legal Insights by Robert Greenberg, Esq - Greenberg Legal Group LLC
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: December 12, 2023

In the event of a divorce or annulment occurring, the Court will make determinations as to how marital and non-marital property will be disposed of under Maryland’s Marital Property Act. However, before making these decisions the Court must determine whether or not an interest is even “property,” because if it is not considered as such, it can not be marital property subject to the Court’s disposition. As the goal of the Marital Property Act is to provide an equitable division of property acquired during the marriage, it is important that all determinations of property are correctly made. The Supreme Court of Maryland broadly defines property…Read More

Robert A. Greenberg, Esq. Has Been Inducted Into The Prestigious Marquis Who's Who Biographical Registry
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: November 22, 2023

Robert A. Greenberg has been inducted into Marquis Who's Who. As in all Marquis Who's Who biographical volumes, individuals profiled are selected on the basis of current reference value. Factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in a field are all taken into account during the selection process. Mr. Greenberg is a founding partner of Greenberg Legal Group LLC through which he provides expert family law counsel and manages general civil litigation. The firm was launched in 2021 after he had accumulated critical experience across a variety of practices and contexts. He proudly served as a law clerk to the Honorable Vicki Ballou-Watts…Read More

Irreconcilable Differences as a Ground for Divorce in Maryland
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: November 13, 2023

In order to file for divorce in Maryland, you need to have grounds for a divorce. The term “grounds for divorce” means that there must be a legally recognized basis for the Court to grant you a divorce. The grounds for divorce in Maryland are codified by statute in Md. Code Ann., Fam. Law § 7-103. As of October 1, 2023, some major changes went into effect concerning grounds for divorce in Maryland. Many of the old grounds for divorce – such as adultery, cruelty and excessively vicious conduct – were repealed. In their place, new grounds for divorce were added. One of the new…Read More

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