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Greenberg Legal Group LLC

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Lawyer advising clients on filing for divorce, with a gavel and legal documents on the table
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: October 21, 2024

Filing for divorce is a complex process that can have long-lasting emotional and financial consequences. Unfortunately, many people make avoidable mistakes that complicate their case and hurt their future. In this guide, we’ll cover the top six mistakes people make when filing for divorce and provide insights on how to avoid them, ensuring a smoother transition and a more secure outcome for your future. In this article, you can discover… How joint debts can lead to complications during divorce. The role of wise social media use in divorce proceedings. The benefits of effective communication with an attorney throughout your divorce.  1. Failing To Consider The…Read More

Understanding Joint vs. Sole Custody in Maryland: Family figures with gavel and judge in background
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: October 8, 2024

Every parent wants what’s best for their child, but understanding how Maryland courts make custody decisions and the potential financial and legal implications can help you make informed choices. This guide explores the key concerns, helping you determine the best path for your family’s future. In this article, you can discover… The factors that can impact custody in Maryland. Common challenges faced by parents in joint custody agreements. The legal rights of parents with sole custody. What Factors Do Maryland Judges Consider When Awarding Custody? When deciding custody, the Court will make custody decisions based on what the Court believes to be in your child’s…Read More

  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: September 20, 2024

If you are served with a Protective Order in Maryland, it is extremely important to know your rights as a Respondent. Here are some frequently asked questions that the Greenberg Legal Group often receives about defending against Protective Orders in Maryland: 1. Can I contest the allegations in the Protective Order? Yes. As the Respondent in a Protective Order action, you have the right to contest the allegations which the Petitioner (the person seeking the Protective Order) has made against you. This will typically occur at the Final Protective Order hearing. At the Final Protective Order hearing, both parties will be given an opportunity to…Read More

Marital Settlement Agreements In Maryland
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: September 16, 2024

A Marital Settlement Agreement is a contract between two spouses which addresses legal issues stemming from the marriage. Marital Settlement Agreements are generally prepared in anticipation of divorce and resolve all issues arising out of the marriage, including alimony, marital property, custody of minor children and other issues. Marital Settlement Agreements are sometimes referred to as “Separation Agreements” or other similar titles but perform the same function of memorializing an agreement between spouses as to their marital rights. When spouses look to be divorced from one another, the divorce process can proceed in either a contested or uncontested fashion. If the divorce is proceeding in…Read More

Domestic Partnerships In Maryland
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: September 3, 2024

In October 2023, Maryland expanded its recognition of non-marital relationship structures with the implementation of the domestic partnership statute. In Maryland, a “domestic partnership” is defined as a relationship between two individuals who are: i) at least 18 years old; ii) not related to each other by blood or marriage; iii) not married or in a domestic partnership with another individual; and iv) agree to be in a relationship of “mutual interdependence in which each individual contributes to the maintenance and support of the other individual and the relationship, even if both individuals are not required to contribute equally to the relationship.” Prior to the…Read More

Robert Greenberg Selected as a Super Lawyers Rising Star for Seventh Consecutive Year
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: August 9, 2024

Mr. Greenberg has been selected as a Super Lawyers Rising Star in Maryland for his family law practice. He is honored to receive this distinction and to be recognized for his dedication to his clients in the areas of divorce, custody and other family law matters. This marks the seventh consecutive year that Mr. Greenberg has been selected. According to Super Lawyers, only the top 2.5% of attorneys in Maryland are selected to the Rising Stars list. Mr. Greenberg would like to thank his colleagues, staff and most importantly, his clients for this honor. Greenberg Legal Group LLC enjoys the great privilege of serving clients…Read More

Frequently Asked Questions – Last Will and Testament
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: July 23, 2024

A Last Will and Testament (a “Will”) is a written document that, among other things, directs how a person’s assets will be disposed of after their death. To be valid in the State of Maryland, a Will must be signed by the person who is making the Will to dispose of their assets, as well as attested to and signed by two witnesses in the presence of each other and in the presence of the person making the Will known as the “Testator” when a male, and a “Testatrix,” when a female. While this process can be complex, there are a few basics that you…Read More

A couple gazing at each other through a doorway in Maryland Divorce Cases - Greenberg Legal Group LLC
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: July 1, 2024

In divorce litigation, “discovery” refers to the process of obtaining information from the opposing party about issues relevant to the case. In a recent article which you can find here, we discussed the basics of discovery in divorce litigation. While discovery can be an extremely helpful – even necessary – process in a contested divorce case, it can often seem overwhelming when trying to respond to the other party’s discovery requests. In this article, we provide a few helpful tips about responding to the opposing party’s discovery responses. By working with a family law attorney, your attorney can take a lot of the work off…Read More

Benefits of Divorce Mediation in Maryland
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: June 20, 2024

Divorce mediation can be an extremely helpful tool for spouses going through the divorce process. In divorce mediation, both parties meet with a neutral and impartial mediator to discuss issues like property distributions, custody, alimony and other issues which arise from their divorce. At the Greenberg Legal Group, we are frequently asked about the benefits of divorce mediation. Here are a few: Divorce mediation can reduce the overall cost of the divorce process. Let’s face it – going to Court for a contentious divorce can be expensive. If you are taking your spouse to Court for a contested divorce, you should (but are not required…Read More

Frequently Asked Questions – Child Custody in Maryland
  • By: Robert Greenberg, Esq.
  • Published: May 28, 2024

When filing for custody in Maryland, it is important to know the basics of custody and what to expect in your custody case. Here are some frequently asked questions that the Greenberg Legal Group often receives about child custody in Maryland: 1) Are there different types of child custody in Maryland? Yes. In Maryland, there are two different types of custody – physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody refers to schedule on which each parent has the child. Common terms associated with physical custody include primary physical custody or shared physical custody. These terms are general in nature but can be used to describe…Read More

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